Unit Sizes
(units can be combined)
LET – Howdens
LET – Portico Sport UK
Ground Floor: 4,002 sq ft
First Floor: 1,331 sq ft
Total: 5,333 sq ft
LET – JP Precision Services Ltd
Ground Floor: 2,038 sq ft
First Floor: 875 sq ft
Total: 2,913 sq ft
Ground Floor: 4,035 sq ft
Total: 4,035 sq ft
LET – Paintwell
LET – Mr Tyre Ltd
Norse Trade Park offers flexible modern warehouse and industrial units to meet the demands of companies, employees and customers, available on a leasehold basis.
The development consists of 10 units, differing in size to meet the needs of a wide range of businesses and operations. The last remaining units start at 2,913 sq ft and rise up to 8,910 sq ft (units 7 & 8 combined).
For more information about the size and specification of the industrial and warehouse units in Congleton available at Norse Trade Park, see below.
E(g) (formerly B1c), B2 and B8 (industrial and warehouse) uses.
Available on a leasehold basis.